Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Portfolios for Young Artists

I've been compiling portfolios for my kids. One of my older girls is trying to get into art school and they wanted to see a portfolio and I remembered so many awesome things she's made over the years and I was really bummed because I had no idea where her paintings were. I decided to nip it in the bud and make portfolios for my younger girls that we can add to as they grow. I bought a few of these Economy Artist Portfolio from Amazon and I know they SAY "economy" in the title but they're nice, like luggage. I put some index cards in each one and a few paper clips so that as I'm adding items to their portfolios I can easily record data about each piece, like when it was created and what amterials were used and any relevant comments the child has made about her work. Sometimes i have photos of her making the piece, so I can include that too, if I want. Or instead. Either way, even if no one else decides to go to art school I feel better knowing we won't have to scramble to compile a portfolio again.